Man’s best friend… but not always the photographer’s easiest subject. Here are a few ideas for the dog owning photographer to play with
- Get some assistance, 2 or more people are ideal – they can call the dog, get it running around in more predictable directions than just one person can.
- Get lots of treats – these are essential to lure the dog to the right area.
- Dog’s eye view – get down low, lie on the floor – so you see the world at its level, it makes for a very different view than you normally see.
- Use a long lens, get the owner to take the dog some distance away, then call it over to you – track the dog with the long lens on “Servo Auto Focus” as it comes towards you. They may be really fast, so you need to be on the ball!
- Use an ultra wide lens… these are great for quirky shots, the ultra wide lens distorts their look, creating really big noses and tongues, making their legs seem very long.